Leslie Balfaqih couldn’t believe the amount of money her husband and daughter wasted each month. “Our financial life was a mess,”Leslie speaks from her Florida home.
“To say we were disorganized is putting it mildly.”
They didn’t have a plan to manage their money, just like so many Americans.
It’s not often about how much money a family has, but rather what they are spending it on. According to CareerBuilder, 78% of full-time workers claim they live paycheck-to-paycheck. Worse, most people believe it will continue to be this way. It doesn’t have it to.
Financial experts agree that having a written budget is the best way to break the cycle of trying to make ends meet. Leslie was introduced to EveryDollar.com, a website that allows you to manage your money and create a budget. They signed up and set up their budget. It has been a great tool for them to stick with it for many years. “We paid off $165,000 in debt since we got started. Now we’re in a position to be completely debt-free, including our house and rental property, in the next three years.”
The “B”Word has been given a bad reputation. Budgeting sounds complicated. It sounds restrictive. It can be boring. However, people who make budgeting their main financial activity have seen the benefits. Budgeting is easy thanks to technology like EveryDollar. Instead of feeling restricted, they feel like they have permission and permission to spend.
Sierra Schmidt was shocked at how drastically a budget had changed her outlook. Sierra Schmidt is a single mother living in Spokane, Washington. Her bills include rent, daycare and student loans. “I felt so far behind every month, and things seemed hopeless,”She says.
“Now, I keep track of every dollar, and the numbers are right in front of me. I’m getting ahead instead of falling behind. Every month I feel more confident that I can wipe out the debt that’s been so stressful.”
Sierra and Leslie were able to manage their money. You can, too. You can make a budget and stick to it. This will help you control your finances in the new year.
EveryDollar allows you to create a monthly budget and track your income, expenses and savings all from your phone. It is available for both Android and iOS devices. EveryDollar was created in March 2015 and is now used by over three million people.
Visit this site to learn more www.everydollar.com.