()Having a “glass half full”For overall wellbeing, a positive approach to life has been valued for a long time. This folk wisdom may have some truth to it, according to evidence.

Humana recently conducted a survey of 2,000 seniors aged 60+ and found that 87 per cent of them identify themselves as senior citizens. “most optimistic”Their health was rated as excellent to good. This compares with 44% for those who stated they’re in good to excellent health. “least optimistic.”

The most optimistic reported that they were nine times more physically healthy and seven times less mentally ill than their less optimistic counterparts.

Seniors who felt most optimistic about their health also reported being positive on other aspects, such as confidence, sleep, and overall happiness.

* 91 percent of the most optimistic respondents reported feeling confident in the past week, while only 52 percent of the least optimistic respondents did, a difference of 39 percentage points.

* 90 percent of the most optimistic respondents reported feeling happy in the past week, compared to 44 percent of the least optimistic respondents, a difference of 46 percentage points.

* And only 31 percent of the most optimistic respondents reported getting a restless night’s sleep in the past week, while 62 percent of the least optimistic respondents did, another difference of 31 percentage points.

Even though these numbers are impressive, it is not easy to maintain an optimistic outlook. Aging with optimism can be hampered by the stresses of life, social stereotypes, or one’s natural temperament. Dr. Yolangel Hernandez, Humana vice president, chief medical officer for care delivery has the following advice:

1. You are responsible for your health. Set personal goals for yourself to achieve optimal health.

2. Build a relationship of trust with your doctor and other health care professionals.

3. Find a higher purpose. This will make you more motivated to get out of bed each morning. Humana’s survey revealed that 86 percent of those who identified as optimists also consider a sense or purpose to be an important aspect of aging.

4. Maintain a social engagement, not isolation, and foster close relationships. Humana survey respondents 71 percent recognize the importance and value of social engagement. These people meet up with family or friends either monthly, or weekly. A further 80 percent of optimists believe that maintaining a healthy social life is a key motivator for staying healthy.

5. Physical activity is vital. Find the right activity for you. Nearly all respondents to the survey (97%) said that staying physically active is a key motivator for maintaining good health.

6. Practice gratitude. It’s a good habit to be grateful and to appreciate all the things in your life.

“As a boomer myself, I know that the majority of the decisions about my own health take place outside of a doctor’s office,” said Dr. Hernandez Suarez. “With the knowledge that optimism may be linked to health and well-being, I’m focused on making positive health decisions through all aspects of my life. Our goal at Humana is to empower everyone to approach health in the same way.”