A multivitamin can provide protection from the common cold for people who have diabetes.
It is called research. multivitaminsIt can serve as the first line defense against many types of infections including influenza and respiratory infections.
“Once a person with diabetes gets an infection, it’s much harder for them to get rid of it, and it can lead to dire consequences, even death,” says Registered and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist Debra Spector. “And since some diabetic patients don’t normally respond well to treatment, prevention is key.”
A special diabetes multivitamin, which is usually found in the drugstore’s diabetes section, allows diabetics to take control of their health and avoid nutritional deficiencies that could lead to serious problems.
A year-long study of 130 diabetics, published in Annals of Internal Medicine found that infection rates were lower in those who took multivitamins than those who didn’t.
Only 17 percent of patients with diabetes who were given a multivitamin had an infection, compared to the 93 percent who received a placebo. A study found that people with diabetes who took a regular multivitamin reduced their risk of getting gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections.
Due to the nature of diabetes, it is not unusual for diabetics experience nutritional deficiencies. Diabetes medication and frequent urination may cause loss of vital nutrients that protect your body.
“Since there are many health risks that can result from vitamin and mineral deficiencies, I encourage my diabetic patients to find a multivitamin supplement with more potent levels of important nutrients to meet their needs,”Spector. “It should contain Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), an important nutrient that most ‘regular’ multivitamins do not have. I like Multi-betic Diabetes Multi-Vitamin since it has 23 important nutrients, including ALA, designed to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, support vision and promote nerve function.”
Find out more about Multi-betic products and other diabetic products www.diabeticproducts.com.