Children are exposed to more germs now that school is out. Mothers might find it difficult to take their children to the doctor, despite having tight schedules and tight budgets.

It is easy for parents to misinterpret symptoms in young children. The flu could be indicated by a fever, headache, and weakness. If the child has a fever, headache, or is confused, it could be meningitis. This serious condition requires a visit to the emergency department. To help mothers diagnose their child’s condition, Dr. Stephen Schueler (an emergency room physician) created a web site that is free to use. You can use it in schools to help you make informed health care decisions.

Mothers don’t want their children to go to the emergency room with sniffles. But they have to be careful not to ignore serious illnesses. A school may not always have a doctor on hand to treat children’s injuries or symptoms. is a virtual version Dr. Schueler’s office. “interviews”Through a question and answer format, the visitor can be guided. Based on the answers of the person, the virtual Dr. Schueler explains what could be wrong and how to treat it at their home. He also advises whether they need to visit a doctor’s clinic, urgent care facility, or emergency room.

The cost of a visit to the emergency department can be five times higher than that of a visit to the doctor’s offices. Parents can save money and time by knowing where to find care.

Dr. Schueler said that the Veterans Health Administration used the same technology to provide veterans the best care. Users can also find directions to the correct type of health care facility on the site. This is particularly useful for people who are unfamiliar with the area.

Even if the condition is minor, it can cause anxiety in a child if they have to travel for medical treatment. Here are some tips to help you make less stressful trips to the doctor.

– Discuss your child’s symptoms with him. allows users to print Dr. Schueler’s diagnosis as well as a checklist of symptoms.

– Let your child bring their favorite stuffed animal to the waiting area. It can be helpful to have a favorite toy nearby to ease anxiety. Make sure to wash it well when you return.