With more workers working remotely or telecommuting, conference calls become even more crucial for effective communication. The latest technology can be used to ensure everyone is fully engaged and understands the message. This makes meetings more productive and more efficient.

Here are some top features to improve your teleconferences:

* Screen sharing. Screen sharing connects people who don’t work in the same location. It allows them to share demos, reports, and other information as though they were there together. For remote workers, it is essential to find a conference calling service that supports screen sharing. Screen sharing technology, for example, can be found at UberConferenceInteraction during conference calls is as simple as a mouse click

“Adding screen sharing has been the single most requested feature from our users since day one,”Craig Walker, cofounder and CEO at UberConference. “One of the beauties of our cloud-based platform is that we are able to upgrade every user and give this great screen sharing experience to everybody at no additional cost.”

* Document sharing. This allows everyone in the conference call to share documents, notes and files online.

“Google Drive files can even be edited live within our conference,”Walker “The best part is that, at the end of the call, links to the notes and files are included in emailed call summaries.”

* Access from any type of device. The latest teleconferencing tools make it simple to create and schedule conference calls from anywhere. With just a click, you can also instantly start calls or schedule meetings by simply choosing contacts and selecting a meeting time.

“We’ve created specially designed mobile apps for iPhone and Android that allow you to see your conference in action — who’s there and who’s talking, just like on the web,”Walker

* Join from anywhere. Let’s face facts. It happens that important meetings can be hampered by traffic, flights and vacations. With certain services, you don’t need a phone line or WiFi to stay on top of your game.

* Call controls. If you find yourself in a noisy location during the call, you can easily mute your line while still listening to everyone else on the call. You can also add people on the fly, view their social profiles and many other useful tools.

Visit www.amazon.com for more information www.uberconference.com.