After their boat was attacked by robbers, three fishermen from Ecuador were able to save themselves with the VehSmart GPS device. According to the Ecuadorean Navy DIRNEA, they were sailing Luis Miguel (a small boat) southwest of Santa Elena when thieves stole their personal belongings as well as the boat’s engine. Then, they locked them in a storage box.

The fishermen were able get out of the box and release the contents. “panic button”On the VehSmartA GPS device was installed on the boat. This link directly to Ecuador’s National Emergency Response System. A Coast Guard team was able locate and rescue the fishermen in less than three hours.

VehSmart is based around a small and portable device that pinpoints the user’s position and allows anyone aboard the vessel to make a distress call in an emergency. The GPS locator technology was fitted to the Luis Miguel as part of a pilot project that installed GPS systems on 4,000 small, artisanal fishing boats.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAGAP), of Ecuador, sponsors the program. It is intended to give fishermen greater security and peace of heart against threats of piracy and dangerous marine environments. VehSmart technology also allows authorities to monitor and track the movements of the fleet to prevent overfishing in specific areas, as well as to protect any zones that are not allowed for fishing.

The GPS technology used to fish in Ecuador combines VehSmart’s GPS and the SmartOne satellite transmitter from Globalstar, Inc.

“The installation only requires less than 15 minutes, which is a small investment to ensure someone’s safety,”Brad Merritt, president and CEO of VehSmart.

“Only vessels registered under the program receive this protection, and MAGAP is encouraging the artisanal fishing community to take the time to have the units installed as quickly as possible,”VehSmart stated that the data was accurate. The GPS technology would have made it possible for fishermen to drift for days or get lost at sea without the GPS technology.

Visit www.vehsmart.comVehSmart offers a variety of GPS products and services.