While nine out of ten Americans say they believe in God, the public expression of faith has become more contradictory than ever.

Even though religion is discussed in the media more than ever before, the rhetoric remains divisive and hyper as 2008’s elections are looming. Dan Merchant, author and director, became fed up with the fervent, angry language being used to portray the Christian faith. He began to explore America’s intersection of faith and culture.

“To me, the division of America, this separateness, isn’t getting any of us anywhere,”Merchant “And both sides are making the same mistake – they think the so-called ‘culture war’ is a winnable war. Some think, eventually, one side will win out over the other. I don’t see it that way. I’m concerned that calling it a Culture War presumes a few things, like if it’s a war, there is an enemy. This kind of adversarial posture serves to further entrench us in our own positions. The sad fact is our country is polarized because we like it. It’s much simpler to pretend the world is black and white. An ‘us vs. them’ attitude is simpler than critical self-reflection and allows us to blame the other.”

Merchant’s journey begins in Ethiopia during famine. It opens up a wide-ranging view of the way Americans and the rest of the world see God’s people. From the man-onthe-street blitz “Bumpersticker Man”The controversial and the moving “Confession Booth”Gay Pride Day’s Lord, Save us from Your Followers dives into the most pressing issues with humor, balance, and candor. Exclusive interviews with Al Franken, comedian/senatorial contender, former Sen. Rick Santorum (respected evangelical Tony Campolo), conservative radio host Michael Reagan, and other guests make this an engaging, unpredictable, challenging and interesting look at America’s religious conflict.

Dan Merchant is an award-winning TV writer/producer, novelist, and regular church attendee. Merchant, who has been happily married for twenty years, is the father to two teenage boys.

Visit www.amazon.com for more information www.lordsaveusthemovie.com.

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