()Self-care is essential in managing the stress caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Self-care strategies include paying attention to sleep, nutrition and physical activity. However, channeling quantum energy can offer self-care and self healing.

It is well-known that quantum energy and frequencies are used in alternative medicine. Some individuals have even developed classes to channel this energy.

Devaya Smith is a Taos energy psychologist who uses quantum energy to help people connect with themselves. This helps to relieve tension and restore peace of mind.

Quantum energy technology has also been used in self-care products to ensure safety and comfort at home.

Leela Quantum Tech’s products channel quantum energy and are designed to improve mental and physical health. According to the company website the benefits to health include improved energy, pain relief and muscle soreness relief, improved concentration, increased stress resistance, better relaxation and the ability to live in the moment.

Leela Quantum Tech’s website explains it all. “[You will be able to] Dive deeper into your own self. Realize your potential. Support your health.”

“Our products can help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be,” says Leela Quantum Tech president Philipp von Holtzendorff-Fehling.

“You can improve your physical and mental fitness as well as positively influence your environment,”He elaborates.

Leela Quantum Tech products were scientifically certified and approved by two independent institutes. A variety of personal products makes it easy to take care of yourself. These hoodies, shirts and hats are infused with high-quality silver fabric and quantum energy. They will keep you feeling relaxed and comfortable. Additionally, coasters with quantum energy are designed to cushion your favorite beverage.

Energy-infused cards and capsules can also be carried in a pocket. Also, bracelets and necklaces are available.

Remember your furry friends! Pets can benefit from the restorative properties of quantum energy through infused collars.

Visit leelaq.comFind out more about quantum energy products to learn more about the benefits and potential of quantum energy.