Osteoarthritis (a degenerative disorder in which the joint cartilage is worn away over time) is a common problem. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that approximately one third of Americans suffer from chronic arthritis.

Osteoarthritis can cause pain in the bones and wallets of Americans. Three-quarters of American workers claim that arthritis has a negative impact on their ability to work. The cost of treating arthritis in 2007 was $128 billion. This included $81 billion in direct costs like medical expenses and $47 billion in lost earnings and other indirect costs.

Osteoarthritis is most common in older adults. However, it doesn’t affect all senior citizens. It can affect any animal with a bony skull, causing disability and pain.

“No one needs to describe that the pain comes and goes, prevents sleep, makes walking difficult, causes you to drop or spill things, and renders you unable to sign your name or write,”Larry Lytle, Dr. Larry Lytle’s book. “Universal Healer: Book I Osteoarthritis.” “In short, it is the most common form of disability.”

Although osteoarthritis can’t be treated currently, effective treatments can improve quality of life for millions. It is exciting to many that the FDA recently approved the QLaser, a low-level laser treatment for osteoarthritis of the hands.

The FDA classified the Q1000 Class I laser device as a non-significant danger device for eye injuries. But, the Q1000 helps to release endorphins, natural painkillers, reduce inflammation, increase blood circulation, heal damaged cell membranes, and boost energy levels. This leads to less pain and better healing. Patients can treat their osteoarthritis at home with a personal laser such as the QLaser.

To learn more about the QLaser or to get a free copy Dr. Lytle’s book, click here “Universal Healer: Book I Osteoarthritis,”Go to the website qlasersolutions.com, and enter the promo code 5260 into the dropdown menu. Call 1-800-597-9231 to receive an information packet. Use the promotional code 5260. Interviews are available with Dr. Lytle. For an interview please email [email protected]