Diabetes can lead to a series of eye problems, so it is important that diabetics look after their long-term health. Diabetic retinopathy, which is the most common type of diabetic eye disease in America, is the leading cause for blindness.
Diabetes can cause blood vessels to become blocked in the eyes, which encourages new blood vessels and light-sensitive tissue to grow in unnatural areas. These blood vessels are fragile and susceptible to breaking or swelling. If they leak blood or rupture, it can lead to severe vision impairment or blindness.
Diabetic Retinopathy may be manifested as blurred vision or vision loss, blurred vision, dark spots, blurred eyes, poor night vision, and other symptoms. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics both can develop diabeticretinopathy.
The risk of developing diabetes is higher the longer one lives. About two percent of people with diabetes who have been diagnosed for more than 15 years become blind. Another 10% suffer from severe vision impairment. A total of 74% of those with diabetes over 10 years will develop diabetic retinopathy.
Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are key. If they get the right care, even diabetics with retinal disease can lower their risk of blindness by up to 95 percent. However, damage is often permanent once it has occurred.
According to the World Health Organization, 246 million people are living with diabetes in the world. This number is expected to rise to 380 million in 2025, according the World Health Organization. Diabetes patients can reduce their chances of developing diabetes-related eye disease by making small lifestyle changes. People at high risk of developing diabetes and diabetics should have their eyes examined annually.
Lions Clubs International, an international organization that supports local and large-scale efforts in diabetes control and diabetic retinopathy management, is one example. Visit www.lionsclubsinternational.org for more information. www.lionsclubs.org.