The axiom, contrary to popular wisdom, is true. “You don’t get something for nothing”It is not always true. This is especially true when college students offer services to communities on a discounted or pro bono basis in order to gain the necessary experience.
Dental schools often offer check-ups for low-income children who don’t have access to a dentist. Law schools encourage students to provide pro bono legal assistance in the community to low-income people and nonprofit organizations.
When you are in greatest need.
DeVry University students nearing graduation leave a positive impression on the community and provide pro bono services through their university. Senior Project course. Students are required to identify a project over a period of six months. This involves examining a local problem or business, developing a list of solutions, and finally choosing and implementing the best.
Teams were given the option to either choose the Inglis Foundation to provide independence to physically disabled people or the New Brunswick Education Foundation to help them expand their reach. This was one of the DeVry University Senior Projects classes. Both teams applied the management, technology, and business concepts learned in class to improve their respective organizations’ internal processes as well as increase fundraising.
“Senior Projects provide DeVry University students with the opportunity to contribute to the community while applying technical and business knowledge acquired in the classroom to real-world situations,” said Forough Ghahramani, associate dean of DeVry University’s College of Business & Management.
Local organizations can partner with colleges to offer much-needed services for local residents.
Piton Foundation is a private foundation that assists low-income families in Colorado to move out of poverty. It offers tax-filing services free of charge for qualified families through its TaxHelp Colorado program. To help prepare returns, the foundation partnered this year with DeVry University. The students had to train for one month before they could participate. They also had to pass the IRS certification exam.
“The services that DeVry University students provide are instrumental in effectively helping us serve the local community and help families collect their earned tax refunds,”Diane DiGiacomo is the communications director at Piton Foundation.
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