For condominium apartment owners, there is nothing more annoying than being forced to pay someone else’s energy use. This is especially true if you are away on vacation or on a long business trip. Westcorp Properties’ 1,200-unit Calgary condominium apartment development has made this easier for its buyers.

Green builder Baxi Luna Wall-Hung Combination Heating and Domestic Hot Water Boiler will be installed in every condominium apartment. This means condominium owners get the energy savings benefits directly in their hands. Additionally, the Energy Star-rated appliances will help the green builder obtain LEED Building certification for their finished development.

Wall-hung boilers are a common feature in Europe. The technology is rapidly growing among green builders and homeowners across North America.

Baxi is Europe’s second largest heating product manufacturer. It has been manufacturing and marketing wall-hung boilers worldwide for over 35 years. All Baxi boilers conform to strict criteria under the Boiler and Pressure Vehicle Code of American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

The builder did a field test prior to installing the boiler in condominium suites. A field test was conducted to replace a forced air furnace in a bungalow house. The area of the home was increased from 1,100 square feet to 2,200. A Baxi boiler can also be used to heat domestic hot water at will. The owner does not need a storage tank.

The Baxi heating system and domestic hot water system, along with triple-glazed windows, cut monthly gas bills by half. Despite the fact that the house was twice as large as it was the previous year.

The Baxi wall-hung boiler, which is one of the most quiet heating systems on the market today, was discreetly installed by condominium builders in the closets of the master bedrooms or family rooms of each suite. Condominium owners reap the direct benefits of their energy-conservation success. This includes lower condo fees and reduced fuel costs for those who are on vacation or working.

“This developer has raised the bar for innovative green builders,”Mike Thomas, president and sole distributor of Baxi products in North America, says it all. “With green builders like Westcorp committed to energy conservation and environmental protection, we can build a better future for generations to come.”

Visit this page for more information on wall-hung boilers from Baxi