The state of Florida continues to ensure that schools have efficient communication with their communities during another busy school year. You can send information with just a click, whether you need to close a school or get help from a hurricane.
Florida renewed its contract with IRIS (Immediate Respond Information System) last year after subscribing. Notification systems are becoming more important and prevalent. Notification systems that automatically and quickly notify citizens of emergency situations are becoming more important in light of threats such as terrorist attacks, school shootings, and natural disasters.
TechRadium, Inc., a Texas-based company, created IRIS. It electronically sends emergency, priority, and routine messages from school officials to many contacts in the community, including family and emergency personnel. IRIS can send voice and text messages through cell phones, e-mails, PDAs, pagers, and other devices. The system automatically attempts another device until confirmation contact is made if the first device fails to respond.
“We are very excited to see that an entire state is so technologically proactive when informing parents as well as protecting children,”Ryan Rodkey, TechRadium’s chief executive officer, said it.
Rodkey explained that IRIS technology, which is state-of-the art in communication and broadcasting, allows messages to reach large audiences quickly. It also costs pennies per day. “That’s a small price to pay to save children’s lives,”He said.
The Florida Department of Education is using this technology to send its first message. This message makes safety for children paramount. Digital communication makes it easier than ever to send out an emergency message to better protect our nation’s children.
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