The spring and summer plants bring color and fragrance, but can cause upset stomachs in pets.
Homeowners love watching their gardens bloom in the spring and summer. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty (ASPCA), common plants such as lilies and sago palms can cause severe allergic reactions in Duke or Lassie.
Americans don’t have the choice of keeping a dog or planting flowers pots. Yes, over 700 plants can cause poisonous symptoms in animals. These symptoms range from mild nausea up to death.
However, homeowners can keep poisonous house plants like lilies or ferns out of reach of their pets. High tables and window ledges can prevent dogs from inhaling roses. Hanging baskets keep cats from playing with the fronds.
Animals require exercise. Some cats prefer to be outside, but keeping a dog inside will only lead to behavior problems.
It is possible for canines to co-exist with landscaping. Fences are used to keep animals out of gardens. These plants can be poisonous for pets.
Electronic pet-containment systems are a great choice for owners who can’t install wire or wood fences or for those who don’t want to look through wooden slats.
Invisible Fence Brand Outdoor Solutions uses a hidden wire to keep animals in safe areas. The wire is installed by a professional around the property line. The wire can be used to protect driveways, gardens and other danger areas.
The homeowner places the transmitter in an obscure location. The collar receives radio signals from the transmitter. Rover approaches the Azaleas and his collar sounds a warning. Rover has been trained by a certified trainer to know not to approach the flower beds.
The Invisible Fence Brand can also be used on rocky and watery terrain. It allows gardeners and landscapers to take pleasure in their summer plants without having to worry about their pets’ health. Cats and dogs can also get fresh air and exercise safely.
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