It’s possible to take care of your pet even if you have a fixed income. It is possible to save money on pet food, toys, and treats if you plan well and make smart shopping choices.

Deep discount stores are a great way to save money on essentials like pet food. 40% of Americans’ pet food purchases are for food. Dollar General is a great place to find name-brand pet food at deep discounts. Private label food can be even cheaper. Many private label products have the same quality as national brands.

You can find lower-cost medical treatment. Local humane societies often offer discounted or free routine vaccinations. You can save money by finding out about clinics in your local area. For some medical treatments, you don’t necessarily have to visit the veterinarian. Over-the-counter options are available for deworming, ear mite treatments and other medications.

Enjoy the great outdoors together with your beloved pet, it’s free! You will need to provide basic accessories for your pet, such as a collar, water bowl, and leash. You can find all of these items at deep discounts in pet shops.

You can save money by grooming your pet at home and skipping the pet spa. Bathing and grooming your pet yourself can help you save money. To set up your pet spa, you will only need shampoo, conditioner and a brush or hair comb.

Potty training for your pet and their maintenance can be done at a reasonable price. Dollar General, a deep discount store, sells litter pans, scoops, and liners for cats. Puppy pads can be purchased for those puppies who are being trained.

You can’t buy the essentials for your animal friend without buying a toy or treat. Dogs love toys, treats and rawhide bone bones. Cats love to exercise on a scratching board or eat catnip.