Early childhood is the best time to develop your brain. It is a marvellous thinking machine that grows and learns from interaction with the environment.

Experts agree that children eat foods that not only fuel their bodies, but also their minds.

“Research shows that healthy eating can improve children’s concentration and help them do better in the school,”Janice Baranowski, Baylor University in Houston “Getting proper nutrients is especially important for young brains that are still growing and developing.”

Modern paradox: Children are now more focused than ever and can become unhealthy if they are not properly managed.

Here are some tips to help you provide a balanced and healthy lifestyle for your kids.

* Make good choices. What we put into our kids’ bodies has a direct correlation to how well they will develop and work. A diet high in vegetables, dairy, lean protein, and fruits is a good choice. You can also forgo fast food and spend more on groceries that are healthy for you and your family.

* Get moving. Get your whole family moving if you want them to get up off the couch and away from video games. Exercise has been proven to boost the brain, whether it’s a ride on a bicycle, a walk or chasing each other around a local park.

* Drink more water. While water is vital for maintaining good health, not all water sources are equal. Alkaline water, such as Alkame, is a better option than bottled or tap water. Ionized water has a smaller molecule cluster that is able to penetrate a body’s cells more efficiently and hydrates much better. This makes it easier for water and minerals to penetrate small bodies and allows cells and tissues to flush out toxins. An additional benefit? Alkame Water has powerful antioxidant properties that boost the immune system.

* Pick up a book. Reading is a way for the brain to rewire itself. It is the best way to get children moving and exercising this amazing organ. The brain of a child who is challenged early in life will grow stronger. “cognitive reserve.”

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