Miley Cyrus might be able to help cut your energy billsWhat is the winter like?
The singer is not suggesting that anyone is going to start throwing $100 bills out of the Empire State Building. (You never know what you might find out about her. In case you didn’t know, the U.S. Energy Information Administration announced some unwelcome news to consumers. More than 90% of American households will see higher heating bills through March. It also turned out that the average electricity price reached or exceeded record levels throughout 2013.
“Americans now pay 42 percent more for electricity than they did a decade ago,” CNSNews reported.
How does Miley fit in for those looking to beat the odds of the EIA? Continue reading for more cost-saving and answer information.
* Pleading “forgetfulness”When it comes to “vampire energy.”Over the years you have heard that devices such as DVRs, computers and gaming consoles are wasting $10 billion every year in energy. All you need to turn them off is an energy-saving wall outlet.
* Be shrewd about ceiling fans. This information should be submitted to the “Simple Little Tricks Department”This is: “[Running fans] counter-clockwise will push hot air up in the summer, and clockwise will trap heat inside to keep your rooms warmer during cooler months,” advises U.S. News & World Report.
* Make sure your attic is properly ventilated. Jason Joplin is the program manager at the Center for the Advancement of Roofing Excellence. He says homeowners are inviting higher energy costs. “a continual flow of air to protect the efficiency of your attic’s insulation.”This is what you need to avoid: excessive moisture buildup on your roof’s surface in winter, from seemingly benign sources, such as appliances, showers, and cooking vapors, before eventually soaking the insulation.
Joplin’s favorite way to tackle the problem is with the Cobra Ridge Vent by GAFwww.gaf.comNorth America’s largest roofing company, owing to its ability. “naturally promote ridge ventilation without electricity.”
* Play pop and rock music to your solar panels. OK, now we have the Cyrus connection. Unfortunately, this applies only to those who are already green. New research from Queen Mary University of London (Imperial College London) shows that the music is a major influence on people’s attitudes. “high frequencies and pitch cause vibrations that enhance energy generation in solar cells.”One British news outlet mentioned only the twerkette. However, you are free to experiment with your favorite.