Many Americans will think about getting out their tennis rackets or running shoes as the weather warms up. Don’t let spring fitness fever ruin your judgment. If you haven’t exercised in winter, it’s better for you to start moving more.

Don’t know where to start? Here are some ideas:

* Start slow. Don’t try to do too much at once. You will get hurt. “hitting a wall”– your body is unable to recover from exercise. Your body takes approximately three weeks to adapt to a new exercise program and six weeks to be ready to take on more strenuous activity. Start running three days per week. Walking may allow you to do four to five days per week. You are at greater risk of injury if you increase the intensity or duration of your exercise by more then 10 percent per week. So make sure to move slowly.

* Get the right equipment. You’ll feel more comfortable wearing clothes that wick sweat. Proper footwear will save your legs from unnecessary strain if you are a runner. Bicyclists can avoid injuries to the knees and ankles by having a properly-fitted bike.

* Don’t push through pain. Overuse injuries occur most often in exercise. This is when athletes push their muscles and tendons beyond their limits. The first sign you have reached your limit is pain. Pain. You should seek medical attention if you are experiencing severe pain.

For those who are just starting an exercise program, it’s normal to feel some muscle pain. You should schedule recovery days, which are days when you do not exercise or engage in very little activity, to allow your muscles to recover between workouts.

Topical products may be helpful if you suffer from muscle soreness. Absorbine Jr. is one example.www.absorbinejr.comIt contains natural menthol, and herbal extracts. The liquid pain reliever provides a deep, soothing heat to ease sore muscles, arthritis, back, and foot pain. Absorbine Jr. is a pain reliever that increases blood flow to sore muscles. Absorbine products were first created for horses suffering from severe muscle pain. Absorbine Jr. was born from this experience.