– Forget about electronics and clothes. Give your parents some money to help pay for college, if you truly want to please them on their holiday gift lists.
Surprisingly, 84 percent said that their parents would recommend it to others. “welcome”Fidelity Investments has released new data that shows these contributions can be made to 529 college savings accounts instead of traditional gifts. However, 33% have requested this assistance.
The other 51 percent? They might be waiting for Santa to come down their chimneys. The Tooth Fairy makes house visits, it is said. Or maybe they are unaware of programs such as the free online one. FidelityThis allows family and friends to easily contribute to the reduction of the burden. According to the College Board, the average annual total cost (includes tuition, fees and room and board), is $49,870 for private four-year colleges and $38,330 for out-of-state public four-year colleges. It is $21,950 for in-state public four-year college.
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