– Plumbing leaks are a major problem. The Enironmental Protection Agency (EPA), has launched a Fix a Leak Week campaign to educate the public about the issue and help them save water. FloLogic is a smart technology company that can control leaks and provide smart home solutions for homeowners.

The Residential End Uses of Water Study evaluated 23,000 homes and found that plumbing leaks are responsible for nearly one trillion gallons of water being lost each year. Leaks can also cause property damage that results in more than $10 billion annually in insurance payouts.

Fix a Leak Week takes place March 18-24. This week offers an opportunity to the EPA, local communities, and industry to unite in an effort shutting down water waste.

“Leaks aren’t top of mind for most homeowners because water is cheap and most water meters can’t register the small leaks that trickle down the drain,”Chuck DeSmet, the founder of FloLogic says that FloLogic’s smart leak detection system detects and stops leaks before they cause any damage or waste. “Destructive leaks get addressed when they’re discovered, while leaks that simply waste water can persist for years, particularly if they’re undetected. But water destruction and waste are completely preventable.”

FloLogic invites everyone to follow practical steps to prevent leaks throughout the year and to think about adding smart water control technology in their homes so that all leaks can be identified as soon as possible.

Here are five water-saving suggestions from FloLogic during Fix a Leak Week:

* Review the water bill: A family of four will typically use 12,000 gallons (16 centum cubic feet) per month. Any usage exceeding this level indicates that there is a leak. Remember that water meters are not able to detect small leaks. A normal water bill may not be enough to reveal a problem.

* Inspect toilets: Worn-out flappers are a primary water waster. Pay attention to toilets that flush between flushes. You can find slow leaks by dropping food coloring into tanks. A leak is when the bowl becomes colored without flushing.

* Check interior faucets:

While drips from showerheads and sink faucets are easily visible, they are often overlooked. Water-wasting drips can be stopped by replacing or repairing worn parts.

* Look outside: Outside hose or irrigation system leaks often go unnoticed. To find leaks, look out for drips or moist ground in dry weather.

* Get smart water control: A smart water valve, such as that offered from flologic.comIt will automatically shut off water leakages as small as half an ounce per minute. FloLogic has a primary function to protect property, but it also flags hidden leaks that can save water, reduce bills, and qualify homeowners for insurance discounts.