In these difficult economic times, it is even more crucial to protect what many people consider their largest investment: their home. You can do this by keeping mold at bay. Not only is it a health hazard, but mold can also cause damage to your home.
You can expect to have costly repairs made to your home if you allow your home to become wet. Research has shown that mold can be avoided if moisture is kept out of your home. Mold can grow on any surface that has moisture — steel, plastic and fiberglass.
There is a new resource that can help you avoid these problems. The Responsible Solutions to Mold Coalition funded by USG Corporation National Gypsum, American Gypsum, and American Gypsum provides great information on how to keep your home dry. This includes the design of the house, the construction process, and the maintenance. The Guiding Principles for Mold and Moisture Control 50 steps were created by RSMC’s members. These include building industry associations as well as academic and government institutions.
These are some useful hints:
After you are done showering, or cooking, make sure to run your bathroom and kitchen vents another 10 minutes. Make sure that your vents are outdoors. You won’t get rid of the moisture if they vent to the attic.
– Make sure that your home’s grade slopes away from its foundation. Many houses settle over time, causing drainage problems. The ground surrounding your home may slope inwardly, which can or might not be obvious, and this allows moisture to reach your basement.
– Make sure your sprinklers point away from your home. Sprinklers directed towards your home will eventually allow thousands of gallons water to enter the walls.
– Look at the caulking around your doors and windows. Water can seep in to walls if the caulking is crumbling or cracked.
– Every five years, replace washing machine hoses. This is the largest category of water-related claims that insurance companies receive each year.
The Responsible Solutions to Mold Coalitionwww.responsiblemoldsolutions.orgThis site offers a wealth information for homeowners, whether you’re building, remodeling, maintaining or renovating your home. Take control of your home. “water detective”Your home. You can stop dampness or water from forming in your home by finding out the source.