Hotter weather means that there are more sunny days ahead. Make sure you have your sunglasses on before you take off your jacket and go outside.

Exposure to the sun for long periods increases your risk of developing cataracts or retina damage. Even small amounts can cause serious problems. Your baby’s eyesight can be irreversibly damaged if you drive, work, play sports, walk, run errands or drive while the sun shines. Even young children need sunglasses.

The best sunglasses will block UV-A and UVB radiation 99 percent to 100 per cent and visible light 75 percent to 90 per cent. They should keep your eyes safe, stylish, and allow you to recognize traffic signals. You will be able to appreciate the many colors of that summer sunset by using neutral gray lenses.

Different lenses suit different activities. While polarized lenses are great for water, they can cause distracting glares on the course. Polycarbonate lenses are recommended for contact sports. They protect against impacts. Also, wrap-around frames offer protection.

Price tags and labels are meaningless when it comes down to evaluating sunglasses. Because the government doesn’t regulate UV protection or lens quality of sunglass brands, each brand can claim its own claims. Studies have shown that more expensive lenses are less effective than those with lower UV protection. Furthermore, darker lenses block more UV radiation than the ones with lighter colors.

You are looking to purchase? These guidelines for sunglass shopping are provided by American Optometric Association (AOA).

Ensure that the tint is uniform across all lenses. Consider gradient lenses if you want to make the color gradually change from dark to light.

– Take the glasses and hold them at arm’s length. Now, look straight ahead through the glasses. You can buy a new pair if the line is distorted.

– Place the glasses in front a mirror. Look for darker lenses if you can see clearly. This is not true for photochromatic or light-sensitive lenses.

If purchasing a new pair of sunglasses seems complicated, you can look for the American Optometric Association’s Seal of Certification & Acceptance. This seal ensures that your vision products are certified. You can find a complete list of approved products at