Light. Openness. Beauty. Windows can bring beauty, comfort, and much more to a space. Our homes would be without windows. They wouldn’t offer us comfort, sanctuary, or inspiration. But controlling window dynamics like heat transfer and glare can be difficult. Your home could become uncomfortably warm in summer and cold in winter, or it may be too expensive to heat and cool. Additionally, harmful UV rays can cause damage to your furnishings.

There are many options for window-fashion products, but this one is the best. cellular window shadesThe, was created specifically to help homeowners save money. It looks great doing so without compromising all the benefits of the windows.

“Our window shades, which we manufacture right here in Vermont, are of such high quality they can pay for themselves in 5 to 8 years through reduced energy costs.” Says Michelle Graveline-Welch a representative for, an online store making and selling insulating honeycomb shades. “The thing is, they don’t just save money — they help with privacy and glare, and they are really beautiful to look at. We tell customers, if they are on the fence, to put them in just one room, and inevitably they come back for more because they really do work.”

Insulating cell shades works by blocking the sun’s heat from the outside and keeping it inside the winter. Sidetrack systems can also be used to create a four-sided seal, maximizing energy savings.

The homeowner can take control of their home’s comfort and not rely on cooling or heating as much. By closing the shades in summer and opening them at night, homeowners can capture and retain cool night air. Reversing this process in winter will reduce solar gain.

The tax savings that cellular shades with an energy-saving sidetrack system offer is another benefit. Who doesn’t want to reduce their energy bills and tax costs? Sidetrack insulation can be used to insulate windows and earn homeowners a tax credit of up to 10 percent. This credit is valid for up $500 until Dec 31, 2011. For more information on the tax credit and saving energy with window fashions, visit