Three million jobs.

This is the number of supporters of the “Buy America”Movement calculate could be created at home if every American household redirected just 5 percent annually to products made in the USA.

This begs the obvious question: Given the many horror stories about poor foreign goods, including Chinese drywall which has so sickened homeowners all over the country that Congress recently banned its importation, why isn’t there more companies celebrating their quality? “Made in the U.S.A.”A new study has shown that bona fides are a result of the movement’s appeal above Lady Gaga.

“Patriotism is a strong consideration among U.S. consumers,”The Boston Consulting Group found that 93 percent of respondents said they would pay more for U.S. made goods “in order to keep jobs”Here.

(Heck, based upon “quality”Concerns alone, 60 percent of Chinese customers in the same study stated that they would pay more for our goods.

Outsourcing is so prevalent in U.S. supply lines that American consumers often need forensic analysts to identify which companies are offering American-made products. Here are the names that passed what we will call The C.S.I. Take the test:(*(* GAF, North America’s largest roofing manufacturer, based in Wayne, N.J. (

)* Nashville’s Gibson Guitar Co.

* Wilson Footballs, based in Ada, Ohio

* Victory Motorcycles, based in Spirit Lake, Iowa

Bob Tafaro, President and CEO of GAF has over 3300 employees at 25 plants throughout the country.

“Not only is it a point of pride for us to manufacture in the U.S., it ensures that our Lifetime Roofing System meets the absolute highest quality standards,”Ralph Lauren, on the other hand — in what must rank as one the most infuriating times in U.S. History — is as

A brand that is American, as American as it can get — was threatened by boycotts last year after it turned out that the uniforms provided for our Olympic team in Beijing were actually made from… you guessed right: China.”iconic”This has resulted in a proliferation web sites dedicated to identifying American companies. One of the latest,, which was started by a father-and-son building team in Bozeman, Mont., urges building industry professionals to

— This is to use 5 percent less made-in-America products. The list includes a (to date) shortlist of companies, such as GAF, that are committed to building building products right here at the home.”Take the Five Percent Pledge”