Today, information is essential. Information is vital for everyday living, regardless of whether it’s traffic delays and recalled products or weather alerts.

Although you might believe that it’s only school systems or government agencies that need advanced communication systems, there are many Catholic dioceses and archdioceses who are looking for these technologies.

These dioceses, archdioceses, and other government entities are now joining the ranks with universities, schools, and health care organizations worldwide by improving their communication through a state of the art mass notification system called IRIS. IRIS stands for Immediate Response Information System.

There are 194 dioceses in the United States and 32 archdioceses. This is part of a worldwide religious entity that has more than 1 Billion followers. It represents roughly one-sixth to the entire world’s population. They need a reliable method to communicate with their members as well as a way to communicate among themselves.

TechRadium, the provider IRIS, is also being sought by Catholic Church insurance arms such as AGOS Group and National Risk Foundation.

The Catholic Church is a long-standing institution. However, some dioceses are now using the most up-to-date communication technology to communicate with their members in times of emergency and general communication. The system offers multiple methods of mass communication. These include voice and text alerts by cell phone, email, PDAs, pagers, and fax machines. The system will automatically try different communication methods until it reaches contact.

Global communication adds an additional dimension to mass communications. These entities such as archdioceses and dioceses need to be able communicate in multiple languages. By using IRIS, archbishops and bishops will be able communicate with parishioners in English and Latin.

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