It sounds almost like the line from the popular children’s song “Skip to My Lou”: “Fly’s in the buttermilk, shoo, fly, shoo.”Today, it’s an anti-gnat ointment.

In the warmer months, gnats are a pain in the neck. People are realizing that the same product that you use to soothe neck pains may also work to repel pesky gnats.

Absorbine Jr. users are a well-known and popular topical pain relieverMany are now taking notice of the ability to repel gnats. Absorbine Jr. is not considered to be its primary function. However, many consider it to have a dual purpose.

“Absorbine Jr. really does discourage gnats. I keep a bottle in my car so I can have it handy when needed. A park ranger suggested it to me,”Cathy Krieger, a Chicago resident who spends a lot of her time outdoors in western Illinois, says “I was wearing an insect net over my head because the gnats were so bad. When I dabbed Absorbine Jr. around my hairline, it completely solved the problem, and I could dispense with the net.”

W.F. Young, Inc., Absorbine Jr.’s marketers. Many customers often make similar statements about Pain Relieving Liquid.

“We noticed an increase in the number of inquiries to our customer service department regarding Absorbine Jr. and its ability to help with gnats,”Robert J. Wallace is vice president of sales for W.F. Young, Inc. “We do not market or make any claims that Absorbine Jr. helps in this way, but it became a word-of-mouth phenomenon. We also heard from our retailers that they couldn’t keep the product on their shelves.”

Does it happen by chance that gnats avoid Absorbine Jr. W.F. Young came up with a new method to combat bugs. No matter what, customers flock to stores to buy this pain-relieving lotion when the gnats start swarming.

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