Schools that are struggling with insufficient funding, outdated infrastructure, and large gaps in achievement between families of low and high income often fall heavily on educators. Who is actually educating our teachers?

“Most professionals receive ongoing training to keep their skills and knowledge fresh and applicable in a rapidly changing world. Continued professional development is even more important for teachers — the men and women preparing today’s students for college, career, and citizenship,”Gene Carter, CEO at ASCD, a non-profit organization that provides information, explains. professional development to educatorsBoth in the United States and internationally.

Education is changing faster than ever thanks to new teaching methods, technology, and curricula. Many teachers require support in order to improve and update their teaching. Teachers must keep their skills up-to-date in order to be successful in the digital age.

Carter cites the example of the new education standards that are causing changes in classrooms all across the country. ASCD provides conferences, workshops and Webinars as well as on-site capacity building. These events help instill new skills and strategies to support educators working with the new standards.

Experts agree that professional development is essential to enable educators to support each learner’s success.

“The key [to school improvement] is exemplary teaching along with stellar professional development that challenges, supports and inspires teachers to refine practices to improve student learning,”Lynda, Southfield Public Schools’ associate superintendent in Michigan, shares her experience with ASCD.

Wood points out that teachers must be highly qualified, but it is ongoing professional development which can help students achieve greater success and growth.

“Five years ago, we had extremely low student achievement levels, and we’ve essentially doubled the number of students who are meeting state standards. That speaks directly to the quality of professional development that’s gone on,”After ASCD faculty established a long-term program at Queens High School, Patricia Reynolds, Principal of Reynolds says she is proud.

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