Even though hunting season is still months off, it’s not too early to start putting things on your to-do lists. No matter how you slice the story, getting ready for hunting season takes a lot of work.
Today’s hunter has many advantages over the decades. Back in the day, hunters lived in tents, cooked beans in tin cans over an open fire, wore down parkas to keep warm, and kept their feet on the roads in case of emergency.
The advent of cell phones, all-terrain vehicle and lodges makes hunting more fun and safer.
These tips will help prepare you for the hunting season.
* Check your hunting license. You must ensure that the hunting license you have is valid and covers all types of wildlife you want to hunt. Even if you have hunted at the same place before, make sure that permit requirements haven’t changed. You should check that the regulations are updated every year.
* Pack your bag. This tip is double-sided: if your plan is to leave town, you’ll need the hunting permit for that particular state. You should have a bag with all the essentials that you need to survive in any situation. You will need a phone, GPS, a first aid kit, lighter and maps.
* Bring the right clothing. You will need layers to keep warm at night, depending on the temperature. You should also bring rain gear. In warmer climates you might be able to wear lighter clothes. But, no matter what, your orange hunting vest is essential. Use unscented laundry detergent to wash clothes you intend on wearing. Animals will literally be able smell you from a distance and not come to you.
* Take any necessary accessories. These could include maps, extra ammunition, flashlights, whistles, and, if you use smokeless tobacco, a portable spattoon such like those made by Atlanta-based FLASR(OTCQB FLSR). FLASR’s 4-ounce pocket-sized spittoon has been designed to be easy to use. It can be opened or closed with one hand. FLASR’s new spittoons help to eliminate the smell of chewing tobacco smoke, which can be harmful for animals.
Visit www.amazon.com for more information www.flasr.com.