It is the best time of year to begin a detoxification process. It is the best time to detoxify your body and kick-start any weight loss efforts. You should consult with your doctor before you start any of the programs.

These programs may be too difficult or too intense for some people. Many detox programs recommend that people take time off from work for a few days. This isn’t feasible for most people. Don’t know where to start? Katherine Huether, herbal medicine expert, has some great tips for you:

-; Get 8-10 glasses water per day. You can also add lemon to your diet for liver repair and flavor.

-: Drink green tea or herbal tea multiple times per day.

-Eat a high-fiber diet and lots of fruits, vegetables.

-; Visit Daily -; a site devoted to people who want to eat smarter.

While you should do these things throughout the year, if your skin isn’t clear, water retention will decrease, and you may not notice until spring, it is a good idea to start doing them in the spring. You will see a difference in your skin after a few weeks. Your water retention has decreased and your pants become looser.

Get outside in the spring. Take a few walks or spend time in the garden. This is the perfect time to connect with the outdoors. The extra exercise outside will help you shed unwanted weight. Sunlight can provide vitamin D, which helps to fight depression and boost bone strength. You may not have the opportunity to see the sun in certain parts of the United States.

Look out for farm stands at this time of the year for strawberries and other dark or bitter fruits and vegetables. Local produce is the best way to ensure you get the healthiest and most delicious fruits and vegetables.

Drinks and fatty foods can cause liver damage. Spring and late winter are great times to begin taking care of it. The best way to aid this process is with herbs. You want to taste bitter herbs because they stimulate the liver. Although milk thistle is available in capsules form, you should always consult your doctor before you take any supplements. These bitters and greens can give your endocrine system an excellent boost.

-; Burdock root

-; Dandelion root and greens

-; Yellow dock

-; Artichoke

-; Milk thistle

Katherine Huether offers more tips for staying healthy.