As an emergency room physician, I was inspired by the problems people had in seeking medical care. is a free service that helps people find out what’s wrong and how to get it fixed. It does not matter if you have medical insurance. You need to be prepared for anything.

Many people find themselves alone when they experience symptoms or suffer from injuries. With the internet, anyone can quickly access help. Numerous studies reveal that many people visit the emergency room even when there is no emergency. The Journal of the American Medical Association found that an emergency room visit can cost five times as much as a visit in the doctor’s office. A study done by the Indiana Health Department also found that a nurse practitioner may be 40 percent cheaper than a doctor.

It’s crucial to remember these three steps to save time and money in an age when health care costs are rising and many people aren’t insured.

– Decide if it is an emergency.

– Assess the situation to determine if it requires professional attention.

– Find the best place to receive the proper care.

Unfortunately, these questions are often difficult to answer without a doctor.

People who depend on the emergency room for medical care often could save time and money by correctly identifying emergencies and then looking for less costly services. With insurance, you could avoid paying deductibles and pay again for service at the right place. users will be able to meet me and help them make the right choices. The virtual doctor will help them determine what is wrong and direct them to the appropriate care. The doctor will also explain how to solve the problem at home, even if they don’t have to visit a specialist. helps patients find the nearest urgent care center, doctor’s office or emergency room.

Today’s life is very fast. The rise of digital technology has allowed people to communicate with each other via the internet and simultaneously check their children’s soccer scores. With the advent of the Internet, consumers can expect the same conveniences from all services and businesses except their insurance companies. For those who are struggling to pay their medical bills and need health insurance, 98 per cent of claims can be processed within 30 working days.

It is no longer enough to be insured, as nearly two-thirds of American households have less income than 2002. It is vital to understand how quickly and efficiently your insurance carrier pays claims. This is critical for both financial recovery and physical recovery.

Recent research found that 66% would not be able to adjust to the high financial cost of serious illnesses or injuries. Only 49% have enough money to cover out-of pocket expenses. Employers are being forced to take cost-saving measures due to rising health care costs, which is putting even more financial pressure on employees.

* Increasing employees’ health care insurance copayments.

* Increasing employees’ share of premium.

* Implementing high-deductible health plans with health savings accounts.

A lot of people will have to wait for up to a few months before receiving their insurance payments. Many insurance companies are able to offer fast service because they have better technology and an understanding of today’s consumer needs. This is just one example. AflacIt is almost rare for insurance companies to offer policies that include claims processing, approval, and payment in a single day.

In the past, fast payment policies were a luxury. It’s a necessity. It is more important than ever that you have money available immediately for serious injuries or illnesses. You should ensure that your insurance company can move at your pace.

Aflac’s One Day Pay Promise can be found at