It is our most precious natural resource, and we abuse it until it disappears. Some people view it as their birthright, while other people see it as a blessing. It is water. And it is more complicated than anyone thought.

This essential component is vital to our lives. We must first understand its chemical properties, and how it interacts with our bodies.

Two hydrogen atoms and one atom of oxygen make up the water molecule. This is what gives rise to the famous H20 molecule. You may not be aware that water is made up of clusters rather than single molecules. Tapwater contains large clusters containing as many as 13 molecules. It is almost like 13 water groups are holding hands.

The result is that you’ll feel fuller after drinking tap water because it contains more water molecules that must be processed to hydrate.

If you do drink, however, micro-clustered waterWater with only five to six molecule clusters will have a higher water hydrating, soluble, and permeating properties for cells. It’s basically a way to deliver more nutrients into cells faster.

Is that confusing? Micro-clustered water can be compared to softballs by using a few Bb’s. A chain-link fence will not allow the softball to pass through if it is thrown at it. The fence will pass if the softball is thrown at it with the Bb’s. This is how micro-clustered waters work. It penetrates your cells just like the Bb’s through your fence. You will feel more hydrated within seconds.

Drinking water with fewer molecules or micro-clustered alkaline, alkaline, and ionized water like Alkame Water can help you hydrate faster, increase energy, prevent premature aging, and improve your aerobic capacity. Micro-clustering has been shown to increase immunity.

An independent study done by the Chinese Health Care Science and Technology Society has confirmed that clustered waters have many benefits. It found that 60% of people who consumed clustered water saw their cellular water levels increase tenfold.

Visit for more information about the health benefits of micro-clustered water.