Holiday season is for many a time of family, friends, and special gatherings. These celebrations are often dominated by high-fat, highcalorie foods and desserts. The season’s excitement can lead to us eating more and exercising less than usual.

You don’t have to avoid holiday festivities and all of its joys in order to stay healthy. There are a few tips that can help you keep from gaining weight during the holidays. Then again, the years progress so it is not impossible to gain more. These are some tips for those who want to welcome the new year at a weight that is below their current weight.

You must be accountable. Successful dieters keep track of their food intake to avoid overindulging. You can be more conscious of holiday indulgences by writing down the foods you eat. To get an idea of how many calories are in your food, you can use free online calorie trackers.

Control what you eat. A small piece of pumpkin pie may have less than 200 calories. However, overindulging can increase that number. You can skip the whipped cream. Reduce the amount of whipped cream you are using by putting your food on smaller plates. It might also be beneficial to eat a bowl non-creamy, broth-based soup before you eat a large meal. Research suggests that eating soup at dinner can reduce calories.

Check out these holiday cocktails. While alcohol has no nutritional value, it is high in calories and contains a lot of calories. Drinks that contain alcohol mixed with cream or chocolate can cause your body to absorb more calories than it needs. Avoid eggnog and opt for calorie-free, sparkling or plain water. For a low-calorie spritzer, you can add a little wine to club soda if you’re looking to enjoy some alcohol.

– Stay active throughout the holidays. Keep a regular exercise program and don’t let your schedule get in the way of your routine. If you don’t exercise, consider starting. Walking and yoga are low-impact activities that can reduce holiday stress. They also help to manage weight. Your holiday will be more enjoyable if you take a walk after dinner, instead of watching TV or returning for seconds.

Call the Weight-control Information Network at 1-877-946-4672 for more information and to get free information on healthy living.