Enjoy crunch, munch. Dip, dip, dunk. Sip, sip, and savor. We are a nation full of snack lovers!

California Raisins found that half of moms said their children eat at least one or two snacks per day. Another 44% indicated that snacks are the norm for their children three to four times per day. According to the survey, parents are deciding what snacks go into their cart. This boils down down to whether they think the snack is healthy.

California RaisinsThey are an excellent choice for healthy snacking and happy children. This versatile, fat-free, sugar-free fruit is naturally dried by the sun and adds a delightful burst to sweetness to your favorite snacks.

“As a busy full-time working mom of three young kids, I’m always looking for convenient and healthy snacks for my children,”California Raisin Blogger Ambassador Laura Fuentes and founder of Momables. Momables is a company that helps parents make healthy school lunches. “California Raisins are a great choice for wholesome, on-the-go snacking, and I make them a key ingredient in many of my homemade baked goods.”

Raisins have great taste and are also very affordable. The U.S. Department of Agriculture ranks them as the most economically dried fruit.

Introduce healthy and easy-to-make snacks to your family, such as California Raisin Cinnamon Fruit Roll Ups. This recipe, and many others can be found at loveyourraisins.com.


Courtesy Laura Fuentes (founder of Momables).

Serves: 14-18 roll-ups


2 cups golden raisins or natural

1 small pear, peeled, and cut

into pieces

2 cups of water

3 teaspoons cinnamon


1. Boil 2 cups water.

2. 2. Meanwhile, combine raisins and diced Pear in a large bowl.

3. Once the water boils, add the ingredients to the bowl. Mix ingredients with a fork. Wait 20 minutes for the raisins to grow.

4. Use a 1-cup measuring bowl to measure 3/4 cup of liquid. Mix in cinnamon and stir.

5. Place the cinnamon-plumped liquid and fruit in a blender/food processor and blend until it forms a paste or thick purée.

6. Pre-heat oven to 200°F

7. Spread half the mixture onto parchment paper-lined cookie sheets. With the back of your spoon, spread it on the first sheet. It may be necessary to add more to completely cover the baking sheet. Here, less is more. Transfer the remaining mixture onto a second piece.

8. Bake for 2.5-3 hrs in the lower third of your oven. You can open the oven to check for doneness with this one recipe. Every 15-20 minutes, check the oven after 2.5 hours. If the fruit is not peeling easily from the parchment, it has dehydrated. These will vary in oven temperatures and cooking times, so be sure to check them after 2.5 hours.

9. After it is done, turn off the oven and let it cool. Cut into 1-inch strips using scissors. It will be sticky. You can roll them up and keep them in an airtight container up to 2 weeks (if you have enough).