No matter whether you are a new couple, roommate, or guest, sharing a home, drawer, or appliance can be difficult. Although splitting up the vacuum cleaner and ironing board might cause less stress, sharing the refrigerator can create stress. This is a completely different story.
If you’re used a having your kitchen all to yourself, it may be a shock to discover that you can’t fit in your orange juice next to another person’s milk, coffee creamer or leftover smoothies. There are ways to make your fridge space more manageable. These are some tips to help you do it.
* Get rid of things you don’t need. There may be duplicate items if you have merged both of your refrigerators. You don’t know how long the mustard has been in your fridge. If in doubt, throw it away. Use the three “e”Rules are your guideline — if it’s not valid, empty, or you don’t like what they have to say “Ew!”Toss it.
* Look for a fridge that offers extra space. The Maytag Ice2O Easy Access, for example, has an extended external pantry drawer. Its counter-level height makes it easy to grab snacks and has plenty of room for groceries. It takes 80 percent less energy to keep the doors closed.
* Old habits die hard. You are not the only one who notices that your fridgemate is looking for beverages more than any other item in the refrigerator. According to a survey done online by Harris Interactive by Whirlpool Corporation, 60% of respondents stated that they look for beverages in the refrigerator at least half the time.
Consider putting a separate refrigerator in your garage if you have a small fridge that is full of drinks. Gladiator Chillerator, a ENERGY STAR qualified refrigerator, can withstand the extreme temperature or humidity of a garage environment. A second refrigerator can be installed to reduce the size of your kitchen fridge and save money on energy.
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