A new year brings a new slate and the opportunity to set new goals. Many resolutions revolve around making healthy changes. However, experts warn that resolve can become shaky at January’s end. This is why it is better to set specific goals and be realistic.

“When it comes to fitness resolutions, the focus should be on small steps,”Tom Holland, exercise-physiologist Bowflex Fitness Advisor. “While having a big goal to work toward can be motivating, it’s important to have small, manageable goals that allow you to celebrate the milestones along your fitness journey.”

Here are three examples, and how to make them achievable:

* “I want to run a marathon.”It takes many months to train for a race. Begin with a 5K run and then work your way up to a full marathon or 10K. Only then can you determine if the 26.2 miles is worth it. An in-home cardio machine such as the Bowflex TreadClimber TC200 can help you build endurance before you set foot on the pavement. This machine is a combination of a treadmill and stepper that can be used to give you a total-body, low-impact workout.

* “I want to look like a bodybuilder.”This path requires patience. You can start by setting smaller goals such as one pound per month. This can be achieved by increasing your weight and reps for each workout. Bowflex SelectTech560 Dumbbells can condense 32 different weights into just two — maximising space and storage at your home. The handle has a smooth weight-changing mechanism that allows you to adjust the weight in different increments to create a custom strength training program to shape your body. These are the first-ever “smart”You can track reps, weight lift, and speed with dumbbells. Your workout data will be sent directly to your smartphone via Bluetooth technology.

* “I want to go on a cross-country bike trip.”Training for this long-distance trip takes months, much like a marathon. Experts recommend building your stamina slowly over time to avoid injury. The Schwinn Airdyne Pro Total Fitness Bike is a great option for at-home exercise. This bike has the technology to adjust the intensity of workouts. The bike’s quiet, direct-drive belt system allows for more resistance.

Please visit this website to find the best New Year’s fitness plan. www.bowflex.comOr www.schwinnfitness.com. You can find more tips from Tom Holland at the Bowflex Insider Blog. www.bowflexinsider.com.