Given all the healthy resolutions that have been made for 2012, wouldn’t you love to get a doctor to guide you in making the best possible health changes? and MedPage Today have conducted a new survey to find the top 12 most-popular physicians. doctor-prescribed resolutions.

Top 12 Doctor-Prescribed New Years Resolutions for 2012

1. 1.Keep an eye on your blood pressure

2. Stop smoking

3. Do 30 minutes of exercise per day

4. Reduce your cholesterol

5. Get a diabetes screening

6. Take control of your portions

7. Get a flu shot

8. When possible, use the stairs

9. 7. Get 7 hours of sleep each night

10. Consume whole grains and not refined flour

11. Women should perform a self-breast examination every month.

12. Spend more time spending quality time with family members and friends

Although the survey isn’t ranked among the top 12, it does include some resolutions you may find helpful.

Most surprising: Don’t quit coffee. That’s right. Doctors actually recommend coffee for its health benefits. Women who have a cup of coffee a day are at a 25% lower risk of suffering a stroke than those who don’t drink it as often. Coffee can lower your risk of stroke, as well as lowering your chances of developing diabetes, skin cancers, cavities, Parkinson’s disease and breast cancer.

Everyday Health’s survey also revealed three other notable resolutions: forgive people, take a technology vacation once a week for at least two years, and not text and drive. It’s all great advice.

These resolutions won’t work if you don’t stick with them.

“About 40 to 45 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, and only about 60 percent end up keeping them for at least part of the year,”Mallika Marshall MD, Everyday Health Medical Director “The key is not to bite off more than you can chew. Pledge to make a change that you can maintain. And try to get friends and family involved. It’s much easier to meet your goal if you have support.” has the complete survey. To see the full survey and get more tips and tools for living a happy, healthier life, visit