The popularity of school sports is increasing each spring. Parents who are responsible for driving their kids to and fro basketball, football, and other school-related activities can sometimes find themselves frustrated when they discover that their child’s practice or game has been postponed, cancelled, or delayed.

Sports and recreation directors may need to notify multiple people when they make last-minute changes to their schedules, such as changing practice times or cancelling a game because of inclement weather. However, not everyone will be informed because there is limited time for them to do so.

However, this is no longer the case. Many schools, including elementary schools, have adopted an innovative communication system called the Immediate Response Information System (IRIS).

TechRadium Inc. from Houston developed IRIS, a high-speed notification service that sends emergency, priority, and routine messages electronically to unlimited contacts in a matter of seconds.

The designated person can send uniform messages by simply clicking a mouse or calling an IRIS adviser. The system transmits voice and SMS alerts to all recipients via various electronic devices such as cell phones, pagers and PDA devices.

“Immediate response notification systems are faster, more effective and much more cost-efficient than the many manual systems out there,”John Rodkey from TechRadium. “Informing parents of last-minute changes to their child’s sports schedules is just one of the ways that IRIS is helping to keep families notified.”

In addition to sending messages regarding unforeseen circumstances, IRIS also sends information like statistics and rankings as well reminders about picture day and playoff schedules. IRIS does not require any hardware, software, or system installation. This makes it an affordable communication tool. IRIS messages are also available in up to 10 languages, depending on the recipient.

Visit for more information www.useiris.comOr call (866-370-0120).