Winter months bring warmth and fuzzy feelings, as the cold weather is replaced by warm, fuzzy feelings caused by the presence of a special someone. Your significant other is not the only one that needs attention. Your hardworking vehicle also deserves some TLC. Tires Plus shares some tips to help your vehicle run strong.

* Listen to each other. Maintain a properly tuned engine. Vehicles with serious maintenance problems, such as a defective oxygen sensor, can result in a reduction of up to 40 percent in gas mileage. Fuel economy can be affected by a single spark plug that is not working properly.

* Keep your vehicle refreshed. Make sure to change your engine oil. Use the recommended motor oil for your vehicle and change it according your vehicle’s owner’s manual. This usually recommends changing your oil every three months or 3,000 km. Long-term driving without oil changes can cause engine damage. Check the fluid levels of your vehicle, including the transmission, windshield washer, and coolant, regularly.

* Keep in constant contact. Keep your tires in good condition. Maintain your tires by checking the pressure of your tires monthly and making sure they are balanced properly. Rotate your tires according the maintenance schedule, and have your alignment checked at least once per year.

* Be considerate. Be responsible. Avoiding sudden stops and acceleration can cause damage to your vehicle’s engine, transmission and brakes. Also, aggressive driving can cause gas to be wasted.

* Protect it from the elements. Protect your vehicle from the elements by keeping the exterior clean. Rust and other damage can be caused by salt, water, sand, or de-icing chemicals.

Every relationship, including the one with your car, takes effort. Don’t underestimate the power of a little tender care for your car.