Getting organized is a common New Years’ resolution. It can be a harried taxpayer’s promise to keep better records or a pack rat’s commitment to get rid of clutter. “Getting organized works wonders for the family car,”Martin Lawson is the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence’s editorial director. “The money saved from approaching your vehicle in a systematic manner is a pretty strong incentive to keep your resolution.”

These tips are from ASE to help motorists stay and get organized.

Record keeping. Keep a copy every work order completed, from oil changes to brake service to major repairs. A complete service record can be very attractive to potential buyers, as it will help to document warranty work.

Service Reminders. Follow the service schedules in your owner’s manual. Some shops send reminders to customers who are regular customers. Many manufacturers today offer emailed reminders or remote satellite diagnostic reports. By keeping your vehicle running efficiently, it is possible to save money by performing regular maintenance on time.

Tactical care. Do not ignore any service-engine light, poor engine performance or rough handling. Neglecting to address minor problems can lead to more expensive repairs in the long-term. Brake pads, for example, are more affordable and easy to replace than brake rotors.

– Housekeeping. Do not use the trunk to store all your stuff. Only keep the essentials in your trunk. When your trip is done, take down roof-top cargo carriers. A lower weight means a better fuel economy. To prevent staining and premature wear, keep your car’s interior clear of clutter and trash. To preserve your paint job and its resale value, wax your car at least once per year.

You can heal yourself. Other automotive resolutions focus less on your vehicle and more on you. Avoid sudden accelerations and jackrabbit starts. They are a waste of fuel and can be very damaging to the engine. You will get less miles per gallon if you slow down. Breathing hard can cause brakes to fail.

Visit www.ase.comFind out more about certified automotive technicians and seasonal car care tips.