In these difficult economic times, consumers are more likely to keep their cars in good condition. This means that they need to schedule maintenance and repairs. But how do drivers make sure that their vehicles are maintained at a high standard? Look for qualifications and standards at the national level to find qualified auto technicians.
The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence is better known as ASE. It conducts the only industry-wide certification and testing program for automotive technicians. Technician certification, unlike vocational licensing which is often nothing more than a work license issued automatically by a government entity and paid for, offers real value to the technician, employer, and consumer.
ASE certification is voluntary. Technicians often pay the testing fees. Certification is not automatic even if the technician passes their test. Two years work experience is required.
ASE certification is not valid for life. Technicians need to renew their certification every five years to stay current. The eight auto tests must be passed before a technician can become a Master Auto Technician. There are also certification tracks available for other specialties.
Employers will often sponsor their technicians’ efforts towards obtaining this national credential by covering the cost for testing, providing pay incentives for ASE-passing technicians, and advertising their certified technicians. ASE-certified technicians are a sign of pride for the shop owner. They may also prove to be meticulous in other areas of the business.
ASE certification means that you are a competent technician and takes the guesswork out when looking for a reputable repair shop.
ASE-certified technicians have shoulder insignia. Employers often place their technicians’ credentials in customer waiting areas and display the blue ASE sign.”The Blue Seal”) on the premises. All types of repair facilities can have certified technicians, including independent garages and dealerships. Franchises and service stations are also available. Shops that have a high percentage of ASE certified technicians are eligible for the prestigious Blue Seal of Excellence recognition program. Visit www.ase.comFor car care tips.