It’s not the plane ticket it was supposed to be. A debit card is stolen by an ATM in another country, or your passport and traveler’s checks are taken out of your pocket. This can make a normal business trip into a nightmare.
It’s not easy to replace these items if you don’t have backup copies. Backup copies include the account number of your missing debit card, a contact method for the issuing bank, a scan or passport and serial numbers on the traveler’s checks. Travelers sometimes need to be able to access important documents quickly, such as medical records and insurance in the event of an emergency or proof that their citizenship was valid when their passport is lost.
Travel professionals recommend that clients make copies of passports, tickets and other personal information. These documents should then be left with someone trusted back home. has an alternative: the Online Safe Deposit Box.
“Anyone who has lost important documentation while they’re traveling knows what a hassle it can be to replace it when you’re away from home,”Eric Wolbrom is’s chief operating officer and cofounder. “Our Online Safe Deposit boxes make the process much easier. And our military-grade encryption ensures that you can safely access your documents from any place with Internet access: the embassy, an Internet cafe, a library or a hotel.”
Consumers can take advantage of Keep, the online safe deposit box that is available for free.
YouSafe secure file transfer service allows you to send and get documents that contain sensitive information.
Unless individual box owners consent to granting access to trusted friends and family, the personal information in an Online Safe Deposit Box will only be available to its owners. The same security technology used by the U.S. military for top-secret data protection protects each box’s contents.