Despite being half of the American workforce, women still face difficulties. Particularly difficult for women entrepreneurs is raising the capital necessary to start a company.
“Studies have shown that, historically, women entrepreneurs have more difficulty raising capital from traditional sources than men,”Timothy Hogan, CEO at Commonwealth Capital Advisors is an investment banking advisory company.
Statistics show that women open new businesses twice as frequently as men but receive only 2 per cent of America’s venture capital. While women own 36% of the country’s businesses, they receive only 22 percent in small-business loans.
Businesses are developing services that will assist the increasing number of women-owned businesses in raising capital. Commonwealth Capital Advisors’ Financial Architect software allows business owners to raise capital using tools such as private placements or limited public securities offering.
“Women entrepreneurs and business owners no longer have to rely on the ‘old boys’ network for capital obtained from traditional financial institutions, such as venture capitalist and investment banks,”Hogan. “With a direct offering of securities, they avoid the need to be ‘qualified’ by traditional sources of venture capital.”
Financial Architect software allows you to quickly and cheaply create a financial plan. “Marketable Deal Structure”The required securities-offering documentation. Management teams may raise capital from close friends, family, and professionals, as well accredited investors and smaller financial institutions.
Women should raise ample seed capital to launch a larger development or expansion-capital-raising effort successfully. Hogan says that women should raise sufficient seed capital to launch a larger development or expansion-capital-raising effort. “this process has become far more affordable because these entrepreneurs can complete the required documents with the use of Financial Architect, for legal counsel review, at a fraction of the traditional costs.”
Learn how to raise capital using this new patent-pending technology and download the a
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