A common post-partum problem is constipation, which many new mothers are not aware of.
Many women might experience this. constipation following childbirthDue to the temporary loss in muscle tone and slowing of the digestive system. There are many other reasons. Constipation can be caused by medications, postpartum pain medication, breastfeeding, and prenatal vitamins.
Fear of pushing can lead to constipation. Post-childbirth tenderness, fear about tearing a seam or pain from hemorhoids can make new moms hesitant to exert themselves. Also, C-sections may be a contributing factor.
This is a very common problem for mothers. Russell Research, in collaboration with Purdue Products (the makers of Colace Capsules), conducted a survey of approximately 1,000 mothers to find out if 47 percent experienced constipation after giving birth. 89 percent experienced problems with their bowel movements within the first few days after childbirth.
There are many options to address this problem. It can be difficult to get your body back on track after all the trauma it has been through. However, your doctor may suggest that you exercise daily to help with this. A healthy diet with adequate fiber is key to avoiding constipation. Bran muffins and high-fiber cereal are great ways to ensure that you’re getting enough fiber. You should also drink lots of fluids.
According to the survey, 77% of new mothers suffering from constipation tried Colace Capsules, which are a stool softener. Colace capsules, which contain docusate sodium as the active ingredient, help to prevent the discomfort and strain associated with constipation. Colace Capsules are the most recommended product by pharmacists and doctors to provide reliable relief. However, you should consult your doctor if pregnant or nursing before using Colace Capsules. Also, tell your doctor about any other medications that you are currently taking.
Another shocking finding was that 67 percent did not receive postpartum constipation warnings. For more info, check out www.colacecapsules.comPlease read the following: Please read the “prevention”Section to find tips and tricks on natural remedies for postpartum constipation.