You might consider renting your vacation home out if your property has become more of a burden than a refuge.

Industry experts estimate that a vacation home could bring in an additional $30,000 per year for its owner.

“Renting out your vacation home can open up a significant stream of revenue,”Mary Lynn Clark is president of Wyndham Vacation Rentals North America. “Understanding the business side, and all it entails, however, is a critical part of increasing your home’s value without adding hassle.”

It is important to decide if you will manage the details of your rental property yourself (e.g. bookings, marketing, maintenance, and management). vacation rental firm.

Although it may seem like a great idea to do everything yourself (and the Internet certainly makes that possible with hundreds of rental listings sites), recent research shows that vacation property owners spend on average eight hours per week managing and marketing their properties. This is a significant time commitment that very few people can afford.

Clark likens it as performing maintenance on your vehicle.

“The average car owner doesn’t change their own oil or replace their own brake pads,”He said. “They leave it up to the professionals to do that. Why should it be any different for managing your vacation property?”

Professionally managed vacation rental companies offer the ideal balance between the extra income and the time required to manage the property. These companies typically take over the management of your property, as well as handling any requests from renters.

Wyndham Vacation rentals is a professional management company that helps you manage your property by using its vast resources and commitment to taking care of guests’ experiences.

Wyndham is different from other vacation rental companies. It offers unique benefit programs and dynamic pricing to ensure owners get the best value. It also offers a Vacation Rental Agreement of Rights, which guarantees that Wyndham will meet all their needs.

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