Although it may not seem like an offense, missing the previews at movies can have serious consequences. If you do this often, it can lead to strained relationships, schedule delays, and financial losses.

Proudfoot Consulting’s 2006 survey found that 88% of American CEOs arrive late at meetings. Their tardiness is a cost to productivity of $90 million per year.

It can be difficult to stop running late. But with some time management skills, Americans can return to their schedule. These tips are from SUCCESS Magazine. This publication is designed to help its readers achieve success in all aspects of their lives.

– You don’t have to plan for everything to go perfectly. Murphy’s Law is your friend. Everything that can go wrong is bound to go wrong. This doesn’t mean you have to be late for every event. Instead, you should arrive at least fifteen minutes early for your event. You won’t be delayed by uncontrollable circumstances like a cranky kid or slow traffic.

Do not underestimate how much time you will need. You should consider all aspects of your journey, such as dressing, drinking coffee and sending e-mails. Consider traffic delays, parking difficulties and walking distance to your destination. Allow yourself 10 to 15 extra minutes to locate the building if you are going somewhere new.

Organize your life. Keep your keys, wallet, purse, briefcase, and everything else you use every day in one place at home. It will make you late every day if your keys are not there.

Block out time for time-consuming tasks. You shouldn’t answer e-mails or make calls that aren’t necessary. Instead of responding to messages as they arrive, schedule a time block in your calendar to answer phone calls and reply to e-mails.

Be prepared to work before deadlines. When you receive an assignment, immediately start it. You won’t need to worry about the project deadline.

Visit for more information and helpful tips. www.SUCCESS.comPick up a copy of SUCCESS Magazine now at newsstands.

It can be thrilling to become pregnant. There is so much to do, so many appointments to keep. Many expectant mothers worry so much about the baby that they neglect to take care of themselves.

Experts agree that prenatal vitamins are crucial for both mother and baby.

“During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes. She can experience things like fatigue, loss of appetite and an upset stomach, which can make it difficult to maintain the proper levels of essential nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy,”Jay M. Goldberg MD, FACOG, is an obstetrician based in Los Angeles.

Prenatal vitamins, such as DHA, an Omega-3-fatty acid, or Folic Acid, are essential ingredients. Prenatal vitamins are important ingredients that help moms to be soon have a healthy diet. They can also aid baby’s brain, eyes and central nervous system development.

It is important to understand that not all vitamins work the exact same. There are alternatives. Vertical Pharmaceuticals LLC is the inventor of the prenatal vitamin that contains egg-based DHA. OB Complete Gold. OB Complete gold contains OmEGGa DHA. This DHA is naturally found in the eyes and brain. OmEGGa DHA has a simple absorption and is easily absorbed by the body. It is distributed in more efficient and simpler steps.

OB Complete Gold is available in a small softgel. It can be taken only once daily. This comprehensive formula contains high-soluble forms of vitamins and minerals. It contains no sugar, lactose or gluten.

The supplement vitamin can be stored in a small, convenient container. This supplement vitamin is convenient for busy moms. It provides useful information and discounts on refills. OB Complete gold is a prescription-prenatal vitamin. Ask your healthcare provider for a free trial.

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