Many businesses are finding themselves in financial difficulties due to the tight economy. CPAs have begun to look at systems that can help level the playing field.

Commonwealth Capital Advisors, an investment banking advisory service firm, has patented the Financial Architect System. It is a process and method to reduce capital raising costs. Financial Architect allows entrepreneurs to raise seed, growth and expansion capital by issuing securities directly to angel investors or institutions at a fraction the cost of traditional financing.

CPAs are learning how to work with Financial Architect in order to help their clients who cannot afford sufficient equity capital. CCA spent the last four and a quarter years beta-testing Financial Architect in Chicago. Financial Architect consists of three components.

1) The eBook entitled “The Secrets of Wall Street -; Raising Capital for Start-Up and Early-Stage Companies; the Fundamentals of How To” component.

2) Templates for securities-offering documents in which one transfers information from one’s business plan in order to create a securities offer document.

3) Access to the password-protected Commonwealth Capital Club which provides access to accredited angel organizations and financial institutions that specifically target funding start-ups or early-stage businesses.

“We have leveled the playing field for all small businesses, but especially for start-up, early-stage companies seeking to raise capital. Financial Architect is designed to save them at least 90 percent of the traditional costs of the process,”Charles David Dreher, executive Vice President and Investor, Commonwealth Capital Advisors. “Entrepreneurs are the backbone of the American economy. They create the most jobs in our country and have great ideas that can help the United States become stronger and maintain its leadership position for innovation.”

Visit their site if you are a CPA, and want to do your due diligence. www.commonwealthcapital.comType the code 1492.