If you are looking to improve the energy efficiency of your home, and increase your wallet’s protection, re-insulation projects can be a good option. Energy-saving techniques that are simple and cost-effective will reduce your cooling and heating bills each month as well as increase your tax return next year.

Federal government has expanded the program’s scope to reward homeowners who make energy-efficiency improvements in their homes. This gives homeowners an excellent opportunity to improve their home’s efficiency. Through Dec. 31, 2010, homeowners can receive a federal tax credit of 30 percent up to $1500 for weatherization.

Re-insulation is an energy-efficient improvement that can be done in the near and long term.

“Most of the steps you can take to improve your home’s energy efficiency in the cooler winter months are equally as effective in the warmer summer months, when the thermal flows are simply reversed,”Bohdan Boyko is a GreenFiber building science manager. The natural-fiber insulation product is made from 85 percent recycled material, said Bohdan Boyko. “In most areas of the country, winter has the greatest temperature differences between inside and outside temperatures, but in either situation -; summer or winter -; a properly insulated home is one that will help cut energy bills, lower the home’s carbon footprint and help keep a family comfortable.”

Information for homeowners about the benefits of insulation, including R-Value education and how to’s, can be found at the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. www.greenfiber.comResearchers in the United States created a unique blow-in product for retrofit projects. Side wall insulation, duct sealing and attic sealing are options available for older homes. Because insulation is literally everywhere! “blown in”It can reach deep into walls and high crevices through a tube. “Re-insulation is a fast and easy way to improve a home’s energy efficiency, often with little up-front cost,”Boyko. “A blow-in insulation product will perform better than material that is cut to fit, because it provides complete coverage and fills gaps, unlike fixed-dimension insulation products.”

Do-it yourselfers will not have difficulty renting equipment and finishing a blow-in project of natural-fiber insulation within an hour. Natural-fiber insulation, which is made from recycled material, provides the most benefit to the environment. It reduces landfill waste and helps to lower the home’s use of energy.