People all over the globe are in trouble and in desperate need of assistance. One might be right next to you. You can do simple acts of kindness every single day, even though it may not always be possible to donate time or money. These small acts of kindness make the recipient feel good and can add up to a great cause.

Contribute to the communityThese simple acts of kindness will make a difference.

* Gather gently used books. To find out if books are required, contact schools, libraries, and other institutions such as senior centers and hospitals. Include a book club, or other community organization in order to increase the donation.

* Call area schools and ask about volunteering. Numerous schools are seeking tutors and mentors. It depends on the school policy whether volunteers must attend a training session before they start. Parents will find it rewarding to volunteer their time to chaperone field trips.

* Consider donating blood through an American Red Cross blood drive. Blood is always needed. A blood transfusion is required for approximately two seconds in the United States. A single donation can save as many as three lives. Red Cross donors receive Keebler snacks, drinks, and other snacks after every donation. “Thank you”Thank you for your acts of kindness. Learn more about the “Be a Good Cookie. Get a Good Cookie.”Visit the campaign page and to check eligibility for blood donation

* Head to the local park for a clean-up. To help the community, get your friends involved. Sort recyclables from trash and dispose of them appropriately. You will see the results of your efforts in a greener space.

* Organize a clothing drive with co-workers or friends. To donate gently used clothing to local charities, schedule pick-ups at your home for a certain day. You’ll help others, and your closet will be more spacious.

* Collect those canned fruits and vegetables, and take them to the local food bank. To find out if they have any, check with them. “wish list”You can give them the things they want. You may have some of these items, whether shelf-stable and non-perishable. This is a great way to organize your pantry.

There are so many ways that you can give back. It is easy to give back and simple acts of kindness can often be the most beneficial to those in greatest need. Every kind gesture brings smiles to many faces, whether it’s saving someone’s life, helping a family, or mentoring students.