Many parents find it difficult to get their children to eat fruits. But, it doesn’t have be.

The best source of vitamins, antioxidants, and energy is fruit. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the majority of American children don’t eat enough fruits.

Bridget Swinney MS RD, LD is a registered dietitian who specializes in family nutrition. She knows that parents are constantly looking for ways to include healthy fruits and vegetables into their children’s diets. Here are some of her great tips:

1. Allow children to pick their fruit. Children will be more likely to choose one of the many options available to them when they are offered a choice. You might take your child to the farmer’s market, or the produce section at the grocery store, so that he can see the wide variety of fruits and learn about some new ones.

2. Serve fruit for dessert. Children should see that fruit is just as delicious as cookies or candy for dessert. You can make fruity treats with frozen bananas, mandarin Oranges, pineapple, mango smoothies and watermelon balls.

3. Make fruit a routine. Make fruit a habit by including it in every meal. It will be easy to stick to. You can add berries and bananas to your breakfast cereal, or top whole grain waffles with them. Put pear slices on peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. “cantaloupe smiles”You can let your child choose a kiwi. Fruit intake will reduce the temptation to snack on empty calories.

4. Make it easy. Easy fruit is more appealing to children. “grab and go,”Even better if it is already in manageable portions. Fruit should be kept front and center on your kitchen counter, or on the refrigerator’s bottom shelf. This will make it easy for kids to reach.

5. Offer kids an option for lunch that includes fruit, or give them one they already like. The new LunchablesWith fruitwww.lunchables.comDole Mandarin Oranges and Pineapple Tidbits are both 100 percent fruit juice. There are four new varieties to choose from: Peanut Butter + Jelly Sandwich; Turkey+ Cheddar Cracker Stackers ; Ham + American Cracker Stackers ; Extra Cheesy Pizza ; and Turkey + Cheddar Cracker Stackers.

6. Make fruit fun. To encourage children to eat more fruit, make fruit kabobs or cut fruit into shapes using cookie cutters. Spending time in the kitchen together with children is time well-spent.

7. Parents, eat more fruit! It’s a great way to encourage your children to eat more fruit. Positive encouragement can also be helpful.