Although parents might prepare healthy breakfasts and dinners for their children, they should be aware of what their children are eating outside the home. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine says that some school lunches are high in saturated fat and low in healthy fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Children often opt for chips and candy from vending machine machines rather than hot lunches.

Parents should make healthy and appealing lunches at their home to combat this problem. Brown-bagged lunches can be cheaper and contain more nutrients than packaged meals. Are packed lunches as good or better than nachos and fries, however? Here are some ideas for packing lunches your kids will love to eat.

Be creative. You can make adorable sandwiches with cookie cutters. Or you can get creative with peanut butter, whole-wheat tortillas and fresh fruits. “rainbow.”Notes handwritten add a personal touch.

Shop smart. Many companies make prepared healthy foods for children. Disney, for instance, announced recently that its characters would appear on child-sized foods that are within the guidelines of American nutrition. They will also have fewer calories, fat, and added sweetness. Disney now offers Disney Garden Foodles snacks, which include fresh fruits and veggies with fun dips, on a Mickey-shaped tray. Disney Breyer’s new low-fat yogurts feature favorite Disney Channel characters that kids will love.

Let your children pack their lunches. Children will eat more foods they make, so it is a good idea for parents to allow older children to grocery shop. Children can be allowed to choose healthy options such as peanut butter and apples, or carrots with low-fat ranch dressing. Lunchboxes featuring favorite characters might be a hit with younger children, while older children may prefer to use sack lunchbags.

To make it even more enjoyable, you can show your child Disney Garden Web site (www.disneygarden.comThe site features beloved characters offering advice, recipes and gardening tips, as well as online games. Or try the Web site filled with games and information.